Staff and Leadership


First Baptist affirms that all members of the congregation are ‘ministers’, keeping with the historic Baptist conviction that God works through all of the gathered people, not just a select few. The church staff are therefore persons who implement the ministries of the church on behalf of the whole congregation.  FBC is led by its elected lay leaders, who work alongside the pastor and staff to serve and equip all the members of the church for ministry. See below for our current lay leaders.


Charlie Marshall is our Organist and Pianist, contributing wonderfully to our worship services in many ways. He also works in the office and is the contact person for the church.

Charlie teaches music at various area venues, as well as private piano, organ, and voice lessons. He can be reached at


John Harwood, III, is the Sexton. The longest serving present staff member, John has been at First Baptist since 1996, providing care for the facilities and keeping the building humming.


Church Officers: Lisa Flynn, Church Clerk, Byron Spafford, Financial Secretary, Grace Wilson, Moderator

Board of Trustees: Randy Bates, Lisa Kramer, Lisa Flynn-Chair, Sue Hoag, Allyn Lindsey, Duane Shortt, Byron Spafford

Church Cabinet: Lisa Flynn, Church Clerk/Trustees Chair, Byron Spafford, Financial Secretary, Grace Wilson, Moderator